Case studies
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NPO Radio 5
The public broadcaster NPO Radio 5 is focused on news and Omniplayer’s SmartTrack Audio Editor proved to be the perfect tool for journalists. As the presenter Tom Herlaar explains, ‘Audio editing is an important part of the radio production process. The SmartTrack editor in OmniPlayer is the perfect tool, as it allows them to edit items easily, ready for broadcast or web, app and social media distribution’.

Jaap van ‘t Riet, Chief Engineer at QMusic is a fan of Omniplayer’s integration capabilities: ‘I’m very pleased that it embraces new technologies like audio and GPIO over IP. OmniPlayer seamlessly integrates with our DHD mixing consoles, which gives us a lot of flexibility, and it reduces costs. That makes me a happy guy!’

Radio 538
Dennis Ruyer, host DJ of the popular weekend show 538 Dance Department at Radio 538 -owned by Dutch market leader Talpa Radio- is an avid fan of Omniplayer: ‘It’s a tool that I just can’t be without. It’s very stable and it’s very reliable. You can pre-edit your whole radio programme in advance'.